Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Top Five Things: Day One

Becoming a parent is an amazing thing. It has become a process of discovery for me. I am doing my best to enjoy every moment. My son's first year is half over. Time is flying by so fast, and I find myself trying to remember to be present. Writing for you my awkward friends gives me a chance to reflect and share. So, now I will share with you my top five list of things I have learned since becoming a mommy.

#5 The Ewww Factor:

Everything that grosses you out is probably going to happen when you have children. If you find it disgusting it will probably end up in your child's mouth. This can continue even past the oral stage of development, which is the first twenty one months. I have a severe aversion to regurgitation. It is so bad I can't even say the v-word because just the word makes me gag. Gross....  Babies spit up. Fact. If you have a baby you will get spit up on. Fact. If you want a baby you will have to learn to deal with messes of all kinds. Sometimes you have to realize that this is a moment and it will pass. There is so much more to celebrate than there is to freak out about when it comes to life. Bodily fluids no longer completely gross me out to the extent as they once did.  They still hold a definite eww factor for me. I am getting over it.

Please come back tomorrow for the next installment #4 The Crazy Scale


  1. A friend and I were just discussing this the other day."I heard first "I'm not having kids right away". I mean she was stone faced about it. Then a few months later her husband says "we're expecting'. We laughed until we cried and then we laughed some more . She went through the eww factor big time So I understand what you're going through and the love you have for your precious handsome one. Thanks for the post.

    1. Thanks for the comment. We all go through some version of the eww factor. I blog so that other moms know they are not alone in this madness we call parenthood. I also looked at some of the creations on your blog. They are amazing. Where do you get your fabrics?
